Wednesday 19 December 2012

2011 Kerala University B.Tech Information Technology Seventh Semester B.Tech Degree Examination,October 2011 Question paper

Are you looking for the old question papers of Kerala University B.Tech IT? Here is the previous year question paper from Kerala University. This is the original question paper from the B.Tech IT seventh semester exam conducted by Kerala University in year 2011. Feel free to download the question paper from here and use it to prepare for your upcoming exams.


Seventh Semester B.Tech. Degree Examination,October 2011
(2008 Scheme)
Branch:Information Technology
Time:3 Hours Max.Marks:100
Instructions:i)Answer all questions from Part-A.Each question carries
4 marks.
ii)Answer any one question from each Module in Part-B.Each
question carries 20 marks.

1.What is meant by Authentication?

2.Explain Kasiski test with example.

3.what is mutual information measure?

4.Why does DES function need an expansion permutation?

5.What is meet-in-the-middle attack?

6.Explain Knapsack system.

7.Define auto correlation.

8.Define cryptographic hash function.

9.Distinguish session keys and transportation keys.

10.Write notes on network security.

(10x4=40 Marks)


11.Write short note on :

a)brute-force attack
b)block cipher and stream cipher
c)Hagelin machine
d)Absolute security


12.a)Discuss different aspects of security.
b)Discuss cryptanalysis of transposition ciphers.

13.a)Discuss various modes of DES.
b)What is Eulers totient function?


14.a)Discuss cryptanalysis of non linear shift registers.
b)Define Elliptic curve.Explain any one system based on elliptic curves.

15.a)What is MD 5?Explain.
b)Explain key distribution for asymmetrical system.


16.a)Explain zero knowledge techniques.
b)What is DSA ? Explain.

(3x20=60 marks)

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