Wednesday, 19 December 2012

2009 Kerala University B.Tech Computer Science and Engineering Sixth Semester B.Tech. Degree Examination, December 2009, 03-605 : Advanced Microprocessors (R) Question paper

Advanced Microprocessors

Each question carries 4 marks.
1. Explain the difference between 8086 and 8088 processor.
2. Specify the opcode derived from an instruction template of 8086 for the following
ii) MOV AX, ES : 1234 [BX]
3. Why the PTR attribute operator is sometimes necessary ? Explain with example.
4. Write necessary 8086 instructions to set the trap flag.
5. Explain the need of arithmetic co-processor in a micro computer system.
6. Explain how 386 can address a virtual memory of 64 T bytes when physical address
contains only 4 G bytes of memory.
7. Explain the purpose of Built in Self Test (BIST) in higher processors. Specify the
signals and their status that are activated, when BIST is performed in pentium
8. Explain the difference between write through and write back strategy.
9. What is the need of virtual 86 mode in higher processors. What are the components
associated with virtual 86 task ?
10. Explain about the interrupts available in 8051 microcontroller.
Each question carries 20 marks. (3×20=60 Marks)
Module – I
11. a) With suitable example explain the addressing modes of 8086.
b) Draw the timing diagram of interrupt acknowledgment cycle in maximum mode.
Also give necessary explanation.
c) Explain the functions of following 8086 instruction
i) WAIT ii) XLAT iii) LOCK.
12. a) How 8086 identifies co-processor instructions ? Explain how 8087 gets the data
required for the current operation.
b) Describe the control and status registers of 8087.
c) Write a sequence of 8086 instructions to check whether given number is divisible
by 5.
Module – II
13. a) Explain in detail how the physical address is generated in the protected mode of
386 with paging unit enabled.
b) Explain the architecture of 80286 processor.
14. a) Explain how out of order execution is achieved in pentium pro-processor.
b) Explain the stages and functions of U-V pipeline and floating point pipeline of
pentium processor. 8
c) Explain about addition flags introduced in pentium processor from 486

Module – III
15. a) Explain the architecture of 8051 with a block diagram.
b) Explain the memory organisation of 8051.
16. a) Write a program in 8051 assembly language to find the address of the first two
internal RAM locations between 20 b and 60 b which contains consecutive
numbers. If so set the carry flag to 1 else clear the carry flag.
b) Explain the addressing modes of 8051 with suitable examples. 

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