Wednesday, 19 December 2012

2011 Kannur University B.Tech Computer Science and Engineering VII Semester B.Tech. (Reg./Supple./Imp.-Including Part Time) Degree Examination : INTERNET AND MOBILE COMMUNICATION SYSTEM TECHNOLOGIES Question paper

VII Semester B.Tech. (Reg./Supple./lmp.-lncluding Part Time) Degree
Examination, November 2011


Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 100


1. Distinguish virtual circuit networks and datagram networks. [Marks 5]

2. How video compression is achieved in the internet ? [Marks 5]

3. Define CSMA/CD scheme and why CSMA/CD scheme failed in wireless networks. [Marks 5]

4. Enumerate the advantages of cellular systems with smallcells.[Marks 5]

5. Draw a GSM TDMA frame with its slots and bursts. How GSM avoids frequency
selective fading ? [Marks 5]

6. Define the Piconet and Scatternet networking in Bluetooth and mention its
advantages.[Marks 5]

7. Discuss the DHCP protocol with its basic configuration. [Marks 5]

8. Describe the basic objectives of WAP protocol. [Marks 5]


9. a) i) Discuss the types of delay encountered in packet switched networks. [Marks 5]

ii) Illustrate queueing delay and packet loss in packet switched networks. [Marks 5]

b) Discuss RTSP with its features and illustrate client-server interaction using
BTSP. [Marks 5]


10. a) Explain the mechanism involved in accessing audio and video through a
web server. [Marks 9]

b) Describe the tiered hierarchy of lSPs and state the characteristics of each
tier. [Marks 6]

11. a) i) Compare slow and fast frequency hopping spread spectrum systems. [Marks 5]

ii) Discuss the lnter symbol interference problem and state the measures to [Marks 5]
overcome this problem.

b) Discuss the three fundamental behaviours of radiowaves depending on their [Marks 5]


12. a) Explain DSSS systems, importance with its transmitter and Receiver block
diagram. [Marks 8]

b) Explain FDMA and CDMA mechanisms. [Marks 7]

13. a) Explain the IEEE 802.11 system architecture, protocolarchitecture and its
management. [Marks 9]

b) Explain the importance of L2CAP layer in Bluetooth and give the L2CAP
packet formats and services. [Marks 6]


14. a) Draw the GSM protocol architecture for signalling and what are the tasks
associated with physical, datalink and network layer ? [Marks 8]
b) Discuss the features of HIPERLAN 2 and explain how it differc from HIPEHLAN 1. [Marks 7]
15. a) Explain the Route optimization procedure of Mobile IP protocol. [Marks 8]

b) Explain the classical enhancements of TCP for mobility with their advantages
and disadvantages.[Marks 7]


16. a) i) State the requirements that led to Mobile lP. [Marks 5]

ii) What entities and terminology are needed to understand Mobile lP ? [Marks 5]

b) lllustrate the Mobile lP Packet delivery process. [Marks 5]

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