Saturday, 15 December 2012

2012 Calicut University B.Sc Electronics Fifth semester examination Question paper


I. Answer all twelve questions:
1. the ........tag is used to delimit blocks of quoted text.
2. ........ are used to visually break-up sections of a document.
3. Unordered lists are similar to numbered lists excepts that they use .......instead of number or
letters before each item.
4. say True or False : The browser may be sent to a new URL by setting the document.url property.
5. ........... is a DHTML event that fire when the user clicks the mouse.
6. JavaScript built-in function to convert string representation of numbers to integer is........
7. a window property in javascript.
8. say whether the following reference is valid or not?
9. FrontPage is a .............
10. a graphic file format supported in FrontPage.
11. an example of search engines.
12. FTP stands for.........

II. Answer all nine questions:

13. what do you mean by meta data in HTML.?
14. What is hyperlink?
15. Differentiate between HTML and DHTML.
16. List any four Windows event.
17. Differentiate sscripting and programming.
18. Define "event" and "forms" in JavaScript.
19. What do you mean by "Theme" in FrontPage?
20. What is a web browser?
21. Define protocol.

III. Answer any five questions:

22. Write notes on HTML lists.
23. Write notes on HTML frames.
24. Write notes on properties used in style sheets.
25. Give the syntax of javascript for loop and if-else construct. Give suitable examples.
26. Create a page using JavaScript that prompts the user for name as the page loads and then
welcomes the user by name in the body of the page.
27. Write a note on working with images in FrontPage.
28. Write a note on HTTP and Telnet.

IV. Answer any two questions:

29. Write notes on
(i) HTML tables.
(ii) Image maps.
(iii) paragraph formating.
30. (a) create a web page using javascript that enables users to enter a name of state and at the
click of a button, have the capital and population appear either in an alert box or in
seperate fields of the page.
(b) Write note on JavaScript event handling.
31. Discuss the uses of Internet.

1 comment:

  1. Guidance for a exam is lot more important
