Wednesday, 19 December 2012

Kerala University Fifth Semester B.Tech.Degree Examination,November 2010(2008 scheme)


Fifth Semester B.Tech. Degree Examination,November 2010
(2008 Scheme)
Branch:Information Technology
Time:3 Hours Max.Marks:100
Instructions:i)Answer all questions from Part-A.Each question carries
4 marks.
ii)Answer any one question from each Module in Part-B.Each
question carries 20 marks.
1.What are delayed branches?How it helps instruction execution on a SPARC system?

2.Write a sequence of instructions for SIC to set RESULT equal to the integer portion of the
result of dividing INPUT 1 by INPUT 2.

3.What are the various ways of solving relocation problems?

4.Explain with example advantages of LTORG directive.

5.How forward reference problem is solved in assemblers?

6.What is line by line macroprocessor?List its advantages and disadvantages.

7.Explain with example conditional macro expansion.

8.Why length of the address field to be modified in a modification record is half bytes?
Explain with example?

9.List the differences between absolute and relative expressions.

10.How could an assembler that allows external references avoids the need for an EXDEF statement?
What would be the advantages and disadvantages?

(10x4=40 Marks)

11.a)Explain in detail ultrasparc architecture.
b)Write a sequence of instructions for SIC/XE to arrange 100 words in ascending order and
store the result in an array.

12.a)Explain in detail cray T3E architecture.
b)Write a sequence of instructions for SIC to clear a 20 byte string to all blanks

13.a)Write an algorithm for linking loader.Explain with example.
b)Explain, with example,program blocks.

14.a)Explain in detail assembler design options.
b)Write an algorithm for SIC relocation loader.

15.a)Explain in detail ANSI C Macroprocessor.Give examples for each feature.
b)Explain with diagram interactive Debugging systems.

16.Explain with diagram Text editors
(3x20=60 marks)

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