Wednesday, 19 December 2012

2012 B.Tech Electronics and Communications Engineering EC 801-Radar and Navigation of Kannur University, VIII Semester B.Tech. Question paper

VIII Semester B.Tech.-including part time Degree (Reg./Sup./Imp.)
Examination,April 2012
(2007 Admn.Onwards)

Time:3 Hours Max.Marks:100

I.Answer all the questions:

1)Derive the simple form of radar range equation. [Marks 5]
2)What is minimum detectable signal?Discuss the issues involved while setting the threshold level in radar receiver. [Marks 5]
3)Discuss the limitations to MTI performance. [Marks 5]
4)Compare mono pulse radar with conical scan radar. [Marks 5]
5)Discuss different types of detectors used in Radar. [Marks 5]
6)With a neat diagram explain the working of three cavity klystron amplifier used in radar transmitter. [Marks 5]
7)Write a note on Decca. [Marks 5]
8)Explain the role of satellites in navigation. [Marks 5]

II.Answer any one full question:
1)With a neat block diagram explain the operation of a pulse radar.Also discuss the applications of radar. [Marks 15]

2)Write on explanatory note on
a)Maximum unambiguous range
b)Pulse repetition frequency and multiple time around echos.
c)Microwave plumbing and antenna losses. [Marks 15]
III.Answer any one full question:

1)List the advantages offered by digital MTI processing, with a neat block diagram explain digital MTI processor.Explain the operation of each block. [Marks 15]

2) a)Explain the issues when the radar is on moving platform such as ship or aircraft.How to overcome the same ?
b)With a neat diagram explain the working of FM-CW radar. [Marks 15]

IV.Answer any one full question:

1) What are the advantages of electronically steered phased array antennas ?
Explain the radiation patterns and beam steering mechanisms in phased array antennas.[Marks 15]

a) Explain the role of duplexers in radar receiver, with diagrams explain the working of balanced duplexer.
b) Write a note on A-scope and PPI displays used in Radar systems. [Marks 15]

V. Answer any one full question:

1) Explain radio detection finding using
a)Loop antenna
c)Automatic direction finders. [Marks 15]


a) Explain the principle of VOR, with a neat block diagrams explain the VOR ground equipment and instrument part of VOR receiver.
b) Write a note on doppler navigation. [Marks 15]

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