Wednesday, 19 December 2012

2009 Kerala University B.Tech Electronics and Communications Engineering Fourth Semester B.Tech. Degree Examination, December 2009,03.402: SOLID STATE DEVICES AND CIRCUITS (E) Question paper

Fourth Semester B.Tech. Degree Examination, December 2009
(2003 Scheme)
Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 100
Instruction: Answer all questions from Part A and any three questions from
Part B choosing not more than one question from each module.
1. Prove that the collector current of the transistor in the active region in CE
configuration is Ic = ?? IB + (1 + ?? ) Ico.
2. What are the factors concerned for drifting of the operating point of a transistor
amplifier ?
3. For a N- channel JFET IDSS = 16mA, VP = 6V, Gmo = 4000 ps. Calculate the drain
current and trans conductance at VGS = – 4V.
4. Explain the working of a class C amplifier and give an application.
5. Determine the voltage gain, input and output impedance for voltage series feed
back having A= – 100, Ri = 100 k?? , Ro = 20k ?? for feed back with B = – 0.1.
6. Explain why cristal oscillator have very high frequency stability.
7. What is meant by drift compensation ?
8. Define slew rate of an opamp.
9. Explain how opamp is used as integrator.
10. What is the effect of noise on zero crossing detector. (4×10=40 Marks)

Module – I
11. a) What is the need of bias compensation in transistor amplifiers and with a neat
sketch explain one method of Bias compensation.
b) Draw the equivalent circuit of a transistor amplifier in CB configuration using
h parameters and derive expressions for current gain, input impedance, voltage
gain, output admittance and power gain.
12. a) Draw a self biased JFET common source amplifier and explain its operation.
b) Derive an expression for the voltage gain of a source follower JFET amplifier
with a drain resistance RP.
Module –II
13. a) Draw the circuit diagram of a transformer coupled amplifier and explain the
function of each of the components used. Plot its frequency response.
b) Explain the operation of a series fed class A amplifier and obtain the expression
for over all efficiency. Also find the maximum efficiency.
14. a) Discuss about the factors responsible for causing distortion in amplifiers.
b) What is negative feed back and how it will improve the stability of an amplifier ?
Explain the working of an RC phase shift oscillator.
Module – III
15. a) Compare the characteristics of 741 and 301 IC operational amplifiers.
b) An amplifier with 2.2 K ?? input resistance and 40 k ?? output resistance has a
voltage gain of 80. The amplifier is modified to provide 15% negative feed back
in series with the input. Calculate
i) Voltage gain with feed back
ii) Rif and Rof
16. a) Discuss the necessity for frequency compensation in opamps.
b) Explain how an op-amp can be used as a voltage level detector. List the important
characteristics of a comparator. (3×20=60 Marks)

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