Wednesday, 19 December 2012

2009 Kerala University B.Tech Electrical Engineering Fourth Semester B.Tech. Degree Examination, December 2009,03.405 : ENGINEERING MATERIALS SCIENCE (E) Question paper

Fourth Semester B.Tech. Degree Examination, December 2009
(2003 Scheme)
Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 100
Instruction : Answer all questions from Part A and three questions from
Part B choosing one question from each Module.
1. Explain the process of decinisation in gases.
2. Discuss the desirable properties of gaseous insulator.
3. What are the advantages of SF6 when it is used in power switch gears ?
4. Explain the terms Burst Corona and Trichel pulses.
5. Discuss about the treatment of transformer oil.
6. Discuss the properties of Mica as a dielectric.
7. What are the advantages of using plastic films insulation over the paper insulation?
8. What is meant by dielectric loss?
9. Distinguish between Ferri and Anti-Ferro Magnetic materials and their application.
10. Write short notes on HRC cartridge fuse.
11. a) What is time lag ? Discuss its components and the factors which affect these
b) What are electronegative gases ? Why is the breakdown strength is higher in
these gases compared to that in other gases ?

12. a) What are the applications of vacuum insulation in power distribution systems ?
b) Discuss the various processes of ionization and decay in gaseous dielectrics.
13. a) Explain the phenomena of electric conduction in liquids. How does it differ
from that in gases ?
b) Describe the properties and applications of ceramic and glass as dielectric
14. a) Explain with neat diagram, the testing of transformer oil.
b) How do the temperature and moisture affect the breakdown strength of solid
dielectrics ?
15. a) Using Domain theory, explain the hysteresis in ferro magnetic materials.
b) Distinguish between hard and soft magnetic materials.
16. a) Compare the properties of copper and aluminium.
b) Write short notes on :
i) Hard and soft super conduction
ii) Diamond.

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