Wednesday, 19 December 2012

2011 Kerala University B.Tech Information Technology Seventh Semester B.Tech Degree Examination,October 2011 Question paper

Are you looking for the old question papers of Kerala University B.Tech IT? Here is the previous year question paper from Kerala University. This is the original question paper from the B.Tech IT seventh semester exam conducted by Kerala University in year 2011. Feel free to download the question paper from here and use it to prepare for your upcoming exams.


Seventh Semester B.Tech. Degree Examination,October 2011
(2008 Scheme)
Branch:Information Technology
(Common with F 08.705D)
Time:3 Hours Max.Marks:100
Instructions:I.Attempt any six.Give answers in not less than five complete sentences.
1)Mention five major characteristics of technical communication.

2)point out five principles for choosing appropriate words and phrases in scientific and 
engineering communication.Give atleast one example for each.

3)What are the major features of an abstract?

4)In what ways visual aids help one to communicate better?

5)What are the points to be kept in mind to make ones communication effective?

6)What are the different levels of communication?Use the appropriate diagram for each.

7)Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions:

a)We rejoiced the success our friend.

b)The demand talented professionals has also created big gaps - 
important sectors. 

c)I went the party Jane.

d)Thank you - your invitation - attend the meeting on 20th September.

e)How good are you your pronunciation - English?

8)Choose the word which goes best with the verbs given below:


i)the deal ii)the meeting
iii)the syllabus iv)the machine


i)a bank ii)a course iii)a room iv)a tour


i)the work ii)a flow
iii)a slump iv)a word

d)Pluge into

i)loss ii)debt iii)distress iv)dispute

e)Initiate into

i)a person ii)a problem
iii)a prospect iv)a group

Instruction:II.Attempt any two of the following:

1)What are the points to be kept in mind while writing an engineering or scientific paper?

2)you are a software engineer.You want get a suitable initial posting in TCS,Pune.Draft an
application letter to its HR Head.

3)Place an order letter for the college library for display boards and racks,in your capacity 
as the principal.Give stress for a substantial concession expected, as it is for an educational

4)Give an account of the guidelines in detail,for writing a technical report.

(2x15=30 Marks)

Instruction:Attempt ant two of the following:

1)Narrate the experiences of Abdul Kalam at Schwartz High school,St.Josephs college and MIT,
with a review of the incidents and persons who influenced him there.

2)Abdul Kalams perception of Dr.Sarabhai as a source of inspiration for space research
activities in India.Give a few instances to highlight his contributions as recalled by 
the author.

3)Write about the SLV programme in detail,giving stress to its failure and success.

4)To what extent did the Agni launch bring out Abdul Kalams invaluable qualities as a 

scientist and leader?
(2x20=40 Marks)

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